
"Taking care of palm trees is taking care of life"

We are talking about the date palm tree here 

In this project we selected carefully the type of tree, and the place in such a way that we will make the biggest ecological and social economical impact for the local people. We select e.g. date palm tree because of great survival of the palm tree even in hard environmental condition like Sahara. Date palm tree has played over the history a major role in life of human beings in this region. It has been used as a source of food, building houses, and landscaping. It has been cultivated in the location we selected. Date palm tree has played and still playing a significant role in this place since it is representing the food, shelter, garden, shade and orchard for them. The role of the tree has increased when growers realized that the tree is salt and drought tolerant, in addition to its impact in combating desertification. The tree can decrease the atmospheric temperature and the level of pollutants resulted from industrial activities there. the palm tree is the most versatile of all indigenous plants, and virtually every part of the tree is utilized to make functional items ranging from rope and baskets to beehives, fishing boats, and traditional dwelling. this will improve social economical situation of the local people and avoid that they migrate to Europe.

The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) tree belongs to the palmaceae family, has a long cylindrical unbranched sturdy trunk, ending with leaves. The tree has a large leaf area and thus a large leaf area index that reflects a possible shadow area under the tree of nearly 15 square meters or more depending on how vigorous the tree is. They are shading properties that are invaluable for parking spaces as well as for pedestrians or casual recreational facilities.

Accordingly, a decrease in the ambient temperature under the tree reaches 10 ° C less than that unshaded area. The large feathery leaves allow some radiation to be transferred to the soil surface, allowing another shade-loving crop to thrive. This would add extra earnings by improving farmers' incomes. Such a large leaf area defiantly absorbs significant amounts of sunshine by taking advantage of the photosynthetically active radiation, which in turn results in more photosynthesis and ultimately better fruiting, taking into account the abundance of CO2 present in our environment today.

Replanting and creeping to the desert date palm plantation will contribute to a massive drop in the ambient temperature, leading to huge savings in cooling costs attributed to the reduction in electricity consumption. Deforestation, shortage of irrigation water, poor agricultural practices, soil salinity, pollution, human activities and certainly the industrial revolution have devastated our environment.



- The fruit is known as a date 

-  Dates are oval-cylindrical, 3–7 cm long, and 2–3 cm (0.79–1.18 in) diameter, and when ripe, range from bright red to bright yellow in color, depending on variety. 

- Three main cultivar groups of date exist : soft( 'Barhee)‘ semi-dry ('Dayri‘ , and dry ( 'Thoory) 

-  depends on the glucose, fructose and sucrose content.



- Immediate energy replenishment
- Abdominal cancer orevention
- Treating constipation
- Weight gain
- Sexual health
- Reduce the risk of stroke
- Diminish allergic reaction
- Strengthen the bones


Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Fruit as Potential Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents.


- the palm tree is the most versatile of all indigenous plants, and virtually every part of the tree is utilized to make functional items ranging from rope and baskets to beehives, fishing boats, and traditional dwellings 

- Seeds: are soaked and ground up for animal feed. 

- Their oil is suitable for use in soap and cosmetics seeds contain 0.56–5.4% lauric acid. 

- source of oxalic acid. The seeds are also burned to make charcoal for silversmiths, and can be strung in necklaces 

- Date seeds are also ground and used in the manner of coffee beans

Fruitclusters: Stripped fruit clusters are used as brooms 

- Leaves: In North Africa, they used for making huts. Mature leaves are also made into mats, screens, baskets and fans. 

- The finely ground seeds are mixed with flour to make bread in times of scarcity.

Wood: is used for posts and rafters for huts; it is lighter than coconut and not very durable